How to Promote on Pinterest

Last updated on May 7th, 2024 at 12:14 pm

How to Promote on Pinterest

How to Promote on Pinterest

If you’re wondering how to promote on Pinterest, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn about Promoted Pins, Image size, Targeting options, and how to engage with other pinners. It’s a two-way street, so you need to engage in the same way.

Promoted pins

Promoted pins on Pinterest are native ads that appear in users’ home feeds and search results. Promoted pins are a great way to supplement paid social media marketing campaigns. They allow you to target users with specific keywords. Once you have chosen a keyword, you can add that keyword to your promoted pin.

Promoted pins are a great way to market a product or service, but you need to make sure you choose your audience carefully. Pinterest allows you to select a specific audience and budget. For example, if you sell a low-priced TpT product, you should only use promoted pins to promote it for a short period of time. If you’re not interested in selling a product, you may not want to invest money in Promoted Pins.

If you’re not getting enough clicks on your promoted pins, it’s time to change something. Perhaps your pin’s design needs to be improved, or your keywords don’t target the right audience. You can also try raising your bid per click, which will encourage more clicks and improve your performance.

Targeting options

If you’re considering running ads on Pinterest, you’ll find that there are many ways to target your audience. You can set parameters that define demographics and geographic location, as well as select specific product or service categories. These options help you narrow your audience down to a smaller, more targeted group.

You can also use Promoted Pins to get your pins noticed in searches. These ads display in search results and when people are browsing, and use keywords to target your audience. These ads are very effective, especially when used in conjunction with automatic bidding. You can set a budget that will be evenly spread over a lifetime or daily and choose the duration of your ad. If you want to save money, you can also schedule your ad to run only during certain hours.

You can also use Pinterest’s targeting options to target users by gender, age, location, and language. This feature can help you reach the most targeted audience and win over new customers.

Image size

Optimising the size of your images is a must when promoting on Pinterest. Pinterest users are primarily visual and seek out images that are visually appealing. Aside from size, you should consider the content you want to convey on your pin images. For example, if you’re promoting a service-oriented business, you should create an infographic.

The optimal image size for Pinterest is 1000×150 pixels (or 2/3 of the width of the screen). When promoting on Pinterest, you should also keep in mind that the image will be resized automatically if you don’t set the image size manually. You can easily create a custom size image by using a design tool like Canva. You should make several versions of your image in order to get the most exposure and traffic from Pinterest. Make sure you also include a good description and use relevant hashtags.

Engagement with other pinners

Engaging with other pinners is one of the most important aspects of marketing on Pinterest. The site’s unique sharing model enables you to interact with your followers through messages. You can use these messages to share content or ask questions. This helps you build a sense of community among your followers, and it can also generate more traffic to your website.

You can also interact with other pinners through groups. By participating in group boards related to your niche, you can build relationships with the other pinners and the host brands. This way, you can increase your chances of receiving follow-backs and having your content repinned by other Pinners.

Cost per click

If you’re a business owner and want to advertise on Pinterest, you’ll need to know the cost per click. It can range anywhere from two to five dollars per thousand impressions, and you can choose a maximum bid. The cost depends on a number of factors, including the type of ad you’re running, your ad’s format, and the competition on Pinterest.

You can target a group of people based on their interests and demographics. For example, if you’re selling a car, you can choose a target group that’s interested in buying a particular model. You can also target people based on location, device, and keywords. Once you’ve determined your target audience, you can set a maximum bid and start bidding.