OnlyFans Page Audit

Last updated on November 15th, 2023 at 08:44 am

Your OnlyFans Page Audit

So it looks like you have a strong hunch! You could clearly sense that you’re not making as much money as you think you can and you definitely want it compared to someone who makes all the money they can over on OnlyFans! 

Since success leaves clues you should have a look from time to time and see what others are doing. Maybe you’ll learn something you didn’t really think about, and that one little fact could really blow up your earnings! Here’s where having an OnlyFans Audit would come in handy!

Either way, having your OnlyFans page audited by a marketing professional here at Think Expansion would be your way to go! An OnlyFans audit can totally change your life, in fact we as an agency see so many creators from all different walks of life.

Think Expansion works in Asia, in Australia, in the UK and more! Meaning, we get a glimpse of what some of OnlyFans 0.01% of top earning creators do to achieve such numbers, and time and time again we really learn something new. 

Growing OnlyFans pages and managing them is where our hearts lay, and the first step when on boarding you is of course a deep audit, here’s where we go through the prices you charge, the bundles you have and of course the kind of content you have. 

Breaking apart OnlyFans messages and making more sales

more sales for your business

When auditing an OnlyFans a lot of times a model isn’t making as much money as they could be because they aren’t working the leads right! What do I mean by leads?

Every new subscriber on OnlyFans or Follower in Fansly is someone who has the potential to buy! If they don’t buy it’s your fault. 

Reason being is they had to go through a big process in actually signing up, putting their credit card details (even if it’s free) and deciding to join and become your fan! Even if they came in for something free, there is still a chance that they would be willing to buy something from you, even if it’s not your content. 

Our job is to break apart conversations and make sure you’re using the correct language patterns to make them certain they want to buy something from you!

Reviewing your OnlyFans earning potential

onlyfans audit

Maybe you’re a model who’s at the top 15%, and you’re wondering what you’re doing wrong! How can you join the one percent club? Or even reach below that?


A lot of times it might not be apparent to you, but to the Think Expansion team, we recognize OnlyFans talent and earning potential from over a mile away! Having taken over 100+ models in our network we’ve seen what makes money and in which environment might a creator excel! 

It could be the simplest thing you’re not doing that’s going to make you more money, maybe it’s that you’re not using a feature or maybe you’re not timing things correctly. 

After a small investigation on your OnlyFans, you won’t believe how simple we make it for you!

A lot of times since we’re selling in text things get lost in translation. Maybe you don’t sound as excited, or maybe you don’t make the prospect feel as though the content is scarce enough.

Sales is like dating! You want to choose the right words so you don’t rub your partner the wrong way- and so you could make them feel what they need to feel in order to buy! Remember, people never buy off of logic, they buy off of pure emotion.

Your audit will literally include all of the above along with a free consultation! If you’re lucky enough then we might just decide to work with you full time for a percentage! 

Going deeper on your OnlyFans analysis

Auditing an OnlyFans doesn’t only mean looking into the messages and finding how to improve sales or customer relationships, it’s also about looking into the basics! Subscription price, promos, offers, bundles, and of course the classic question; a free OnlyFans versus a pay-per-month subscription based OnlyFans!

For some, a subscription makes sense, while for others it doesn’t because there’s more ways to make money on OnlyFans besides just selling content. Once you have an audience there’s plenty of other products you could sell, you could become a network marketer or a life insurance agent, you could even sell things from your own personal e-commerce store and more!

If you’re ready to really get on track with your monetary goals, and you want a real in-depth review on your OnlyFans account by a professional just click the big orange button below!

Get Your OnlyFans Audit Here!