Fitness Modeling 101: How to Launch Your Career and Land Your First Gig

Fitness Modeling 101: How to Launch Your Career and Land Your First Gig Are you passionate about fitness and ready to take your passion to the next level? Becoming a fitness model can be a rewarding and lucrative career choice. From gracing the covers of fitness magazines to landing endorsement deals with top brands, fitness models are in high demand. …

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Creatine and Pre Workout at the Same Time?

Creatine and Pre Workout at the Same Time? Every time you engage in physical activity, you expend stored energy. The more strenuous the activity, the faster your energy reserves deplete. For your body to utilize stored energy, it relies on a vital energy currency called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used in every cellular process in your body. Carbohydrates, fats, …

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Do You Need to Do Ab Workouts?

Do You Need to Do Ab Workouts? Abs or abdominal muscles are a buzz word in fitness culture and are surrounded by a lot of misinformation. There are various conflicting opinions regarding abs, such as doing ab blasters for a shredded stomach, making abs in the kitchen, or avoiding crunches, which leads to a lot of confusion. So, let’s clear …

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